Zambia Federation of Universities and Colleges Sports (ZAFUCS) greatly acknowledge monetary and logistical assistance rendered towards hosting the 17th Confederation of Universities and Colleges Sports Association (CUCSA) games from 16th to 23rd August, 2014. Appreciation goes to the Ministry of Education, Science, Technical and Vocational Training and Early Education, and the National Sports council of Zambia (NSCZ) for the tremendous support rendered towards hosting the games. We are also grateful to the University of Zambia and other tertiary institutions that contributed financial and material support for team Zambia. We are equally grateful to METL Zambia Limited, Zambia State Insurance Corporation (ZSIC), Oriental Quarries Limited, Lusaka Dry Cleaners, Manzi Valley, Dinda Signs Solutions and the Ministry of Youth and Sports for donations towards hosting the games. This Collective support ensured the successful hosting of the CUCSA games in Lusaka.
The Confederation of Universities and Colleges Sports Association (CUCSA) region 5 of the African Union sports Council is one of the many confederations that coordinate sports in the regions of the African Union Sports Council such as the COSAFA, Confederation of African Volleyball (CAVB), and FIBA Africa region 5.
Whereas the other confederations are single sport, the Confederation of Universities and Colleges Sports (CUCSA) is a multi-sport confederation and coordinates sporting activities for students in tertiary institutions in the region.
The CUCSA games have been in existence since 1990 and were held yearly until 2000. They are now held every two years and until 2014, countries in the region were required to bid to host the games. However, the games, effective 2016, will be held on rotational alphabetical order.
The CUCSA games are organized through an organizing committee of the host country.
Zambia embarked on selection of teams as early as March when ZAFUCS hosted the National Championships involving all the five affiliated tertiary grouping namely: Zambia Universities Sports Association (ZUSA); Teacher Training Sports Association (TETRASA); Technical and Vocational Institutions Sports Association (TEVISA); Agriculture Colleges Sports Association (AGRICOSA) and the Health and Business Institutions Sports Association (HEBISA).
Selected participants were assembled for training camp from 6th August to 17th August 204 at the University of Zambia.
Appendix I shows details of selected players per sport per institution/association.
The final players list was however, reduced to correspond with the recommended CUCSA numbers.
The invitations to the regional countries to participate in the CUCSA games were sent by the Secretary General of CUCSA in liaison with the hosting institution organizing committee. This was after Zambia was confirmed as the host of the games and the dates for the games confirmed. The invitations were received by all countries by March, 13th 2014.
- A Games Organizing Committee was put in place as soon as Zambia was awarded the hosting rights in April, 2014.
- The Executive Board Committee comprising Principals and Deans of Students in institutions oversaw the general organization.
- The Games Organizing Committee set out the following Sub-Committees as functional committees to coordinate respective areas: Accommodation, Catering, Technical, Entertainment/Ceremonies, Volunteers, Protocol, Transport, Finance, Publicity and Accreditation.
- Each sub-committee was presided over by a chairperson, Secretary and by a few members. The Technical sub-committee had the largest number of members owing to the nature of the tasks required.
- For the first time, a record of 10 countries attended the CUCSA games. This reflects 100% participation from the member countries.
Angola – 34
Botswana – 126
Lesotho – 44
Malawi – 96
Namibia – 104
South Africa – 80
Swaziland – 42
Mozambique – 32
Zimbabwe – 196
Zambia – 204
- Zambia had offered to host ten sports disciplines. However, owing to challenges by respective countries, Badminton and Rugby teams were dropped.
Soccer (male and female)
Volleyball (male and female)
Basketball (male and female)
Netball (female)
Athletics (male and female)
Tennis (male and female)
Table Tennis (male and female)
Chess (male and female)
The athletes and general participants were accommodated at the University of Zambia’s Great East Road Campus while the CUCSA Executive were accommodated at the nearby Mika Lodge, courtesy of the organizing committee.
All the rooms were spread and ready for use by the time participants arrived. All officials had single occupancy while athletes were two in a room.
The opening ceremony was held at Nkoloma Stadium on Monday, 18th August 2014. The Guest of honour was the Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Youth and Sport Mr. Mulenga. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia Professor Stephen Simukanga and the CUCSA President Mr. Ben Noabeb all addressed the participants.
All participants were escorted to the venue of the official opening ceremony by the state police escort vehicles/bikes.
The welcome addresses were followed by performances by traditional dance groups and the famous Amayenge cultural ensemble. The opening game was between Zambia and Botswana.
The Accreditation Centre was the Sports Hall where all participants including volunteers were accredited. The total number of accreditation cards issued was 1628. This includes technical officials, athletes, team officials, volunteers, drivers and organizing committee members.
The Oasis Restaurant within the University of Zambia provided meals for all participants. Four serving bays were opened up to cater for the large numbers of participants. The meals were not only excellent but also fulfilling. There was wide choice of what to eat.
The University of Zambia Clinic provided clinic services for the participants in the village and provided first aid requirements at the venues. Three ambulances were at hand in the three main venues. 40 medical students from the School of Medicine were deployed as volunteers in the medical sub-committee and supervised by five Doctors and five Nurses.
A number of athletes were admitted to the clinic and attended to. Several first aid cases were attended to at the respective venues.
Apart from medical volunteers, there were 100 other volunteers assigned to different sub-committees and the Secretariat. A total of 200 volunteers were used during the games. These included the drivers, security guards, medical volunteers, attaches, specialized volunteers (technical, plumbers etc.)
The Games Organizing Committee through the ceremonies committee partnered with the HIV/Response Unit and the SAFAIDS to provide educative entertainment. This was outside the catering area and next to the accreditation centre. This provided a more interactive forum for the athletes.
Heads of delegation and CUCSA Executive were treated to a welcome dinner at the Golden Bridge Hotel.
The Technical Committee set base at the Secretarial office which was at the Students Affairs Unit where all fixtures and results were released.
The participation by each country and per sport code is outlined and the details of the technical aspect are attached in appendix II.
Most countries opted to leave as soon as they were knocked out. This made it difficult to stick to the initial closing ceremony plan. Instead the closing ceremony was held at Basketball venue. The basketball game between Angola and Zambia was the final game.
After presentation of the medal, the CUCSA flag was handed to Zimbabwe as the next host of the games.
Zambia was awarded the rights to host the CUCSA 2014 games on 8th February 2014, five months before the games. Despite this short period, Zambia managed to stage the best ever CUCSA games. The President of the Federation of African Universities Sports (FASU) described the games as the most successful games in the history of CUCSA.
However, the regional members still have a lot to do in supporting the host institution to provide adequate services.
Zambia Federation of Universities and Colleges Sports (ZAFUCS) propose that:
- The CUCSA Secretariat must put up a sub-committee to work with the hosting country so that hosting requirements as per CUCSA guidelines are addressed.
- CUCSA must lobby for funds through FASU and FISU or otherwise to support the host country. This will ensure specific parameters are met thus grow the way we host the CUCSA games.
- The control measures in terms of eligibility of players and mode of play must have a standing committee whose members are derived from both CUCSA and the Organizing Committee.
- Countries must be encouraged to make selection of players early so that entries are made available to the Organizing Committee as early as possible.
- Accreditation can be done early if countries responded to requests to submit the required documents. This will reduce time spent on accreditation process.
- The competition period is short. This does not allow for injury recovery and to play two games in a day is a challenge. There is need to increase the competition period to six or seven days.
The 100% turnout in terms of participating member countries, the production of the CUCSA flag and the singing of the FISU anthem during the official opening ceremony really added value to the CUCSA games as never experienced before. Zambia is glad to have been the host when there are new developments in the federation.
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