Speech by the president of the confederation of universities and college sports association during the official opening ceremony of the 19th cucsa games, 18th june 2018 ath the university of botswana, gaborone, botswana.

    • The preisednt of the republic of botswana, your excellency mr mr.mokgweetsi masisi
    • Cabinent ministers and other government members
    • The vice chancellor of the university of botswana management and staff at ub
    • The cucsa executive
    • Government officials from others countries and presidents of the national federations of region, cucsa
    • The student athletes
    • Ladies and gentlemen

Good afternoon to you all.

Your excellency, the president of the republic of botswana, ladies and gentlemen, it is with a great deal of pleasure that i have the opportunity to address this gathering at the occasion of the 0pening ceremony of the 19th cucsa games.

Allow me to earnestly thank you, your excellency for taking time off your busy schedule to come and officially open the regional student games. This is a clear manifestation of your support for tertiary sport and tertiary education in general. Your excellency, you have set a challenge for the regional leaders and we look forward to you to influnce other regional leaders to support tertiary sport.

today, your excellency we have one absentee countiry (mozambique) that has not come while other have come with a few teams all because they cant get support from respective governments. Your excellency, cucsa was born out of an inter ministerial protociol agreement of the regional ministers who pledged to support the games, we have however seen a shift to support only the under 20 games. The region may continously lag behind if tertuiary sport is not supported ask as a resoivoir of the continiution of the under 20 talent.we look forward to your intervention, starting with the region 5 office for sports council african union (scau) based here in gaberone.

Your excellency, today we have; angola, lesotho, malawi, namibia, south africa, swaziland, zambia, zimbabwe & botswanaaaaaa.


Thank you all and long live cucsa.

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